Effect of Foreign Exchange Volatility on Returns from Stock Market: A Systematic Review


  • Michael Ochieng Obuya Laikipia University Author https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6711-2571
  • Franciscah Kitheka KCA University Author
  • Victor Achola Ademba Egerton University Author
  • Dorcas Njoki Mungai Mount Kenya University Author




Foreign exchange Rate, Foreign Exchange Volatility, Stock Market, Stock Market Returns, Stock Market Performance, Systematic Review


In the context of economic globalization, particularly in the aftermath of the financial crisis, the stock market has witnessed unprecedented fluctuations. The study sought to examine the magnitude and direction of the effect of foreign exchange volatility on stock market returns. The study reviewed diverse range of journal articles by searching many databases, like Emerald Insight, Google scholar, ScienceDirect and from several publications. The keywords used to search the articles were “Foreign exchange volatility” and “Stock market” or “Stock market performance”. The researcher used these keywords, the databases hit the results of 558,464 (Emerald – 4,417, ScienceDirect – 15,047 and Google Sholar–539,000). Phase involved filtered searcher filtered the search results by selecting articles, journals, full text, scholarly (peer-reviewed) journals, after which it resulted in 25,279 articles (Emerald – 3282, ScienceDirect – 797 and google scholar – 21,200). The researcher conducted the database search between 28th November 2023 and 30th November 2023. To make sure that the articles selected were relevant to the study, the researcher prepared inclusion and exclusion criteria. Using this criterion, the researcher carefully examined the 25,279 articles where 25,004 articles were excluded after applying exclusion and inclusion criteria. After excluding, researcher found 275 articles eligible for inclusion. The researcher thoroughly studied these papers based on title, abstract, keywords, availability of full pdf text to identify their suitability. Further, duplicated papers were excluded leading to 21 papers being selected for review. The study established that country-wise relationship foreign exchange rate volatility and stock market was positive for some studies and inverse for other studies. Foreign exchange rate volatility tended to have positive impact on stock market returns for the majority of developed countries. In addition, the researcher noted that the majority of developing and emerging countries showed positive effect of foreign exchange volatility on stock market returns.  


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Author Biographies

  • Michael Ochieng Obuya , Laikipia University

    Finance and Accounting 

  • Franciscah Kitheka, KCA University

    Finance and Accounting 

  • Victor Achola Ademba , Egerton University

    Finance and Commerce 

  • Dorcas Njoki Mungai, Mount Kenya University

    Business and Economics 


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How to Cite

Obuya , M., Kitheka, F. ., Ademba, V. ., & Mungai, D. . (2024). Effect of Foreign Exchange Volatility on Returns from Stock Market: A Systematic Review. Journal of Economics, Finance and Business Analytics , 2(1), 14-21. https://doi.org/10.17613/nrz0-a797

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