Quant Research Publishing is an open access publisher that publishes peer reviewed journals in wide range of academic discipline areas. The publisher receives scholarly papers including research articles, case studies, systematic reviews, abstracts among others. The publishers has a network of worthy partners including scholars and academic institutions of repute globally.
Journal of Economics, Finance and Business Analytics
Journal of Economics, Finance and Business Analytics (JEFBA) [ISSN: 3006-0745] is a peer reviewed open access (AO) journal publishing manuscripts in the area of economics, finance, business statistics and business management.
Annals of Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Annals of Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Studies is a peer reviewed and open access journal targeting basic and applied research in engineering, mathematics and computer science studies.
Journal of Diplomacy, Peace and Conflict Studies
Journal of Diplomacy, Peace and Conflict Studies (JDPCS)[ISSN:3007-0236] is a peer reviewed open access (AO) journal publishing manuscripts in the area of diplomacy, peace studies, conflict and conflict resolution, foreign relations and foreign policy.
Annals of Humanities and Social Sciences
Annals of Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS) is a peer reviewed open access journal publishing papers in history, archeology, geography, sociology, psychology, philosophy, population studies among others
Journal of Climate Change and Resilience Studies
Journal of Climate Change and Resilience Studies (JCCRS) is a premier peer reviewed and open access journal targeting basic and applied research in areas such as causes of climate change, impacts of climate change, adaptation and mitigation of climate change impacts.
Journal of Pedagogy and Education Research
Journal of Pedagogy and Education Research is a peer reviewed and open access journal targeting basic and applied research in teaching methods and education matters.