Publishing Policies

Publishing Policies

Copyright and Licensing

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Copyright on any article published by a Quant Research Publishing journal is retained by the author(s). Authors grant Quant Research Publishing a license to publish the article and identify itself as the original publisher. Authors also grant any third party the right to use the article freely as long as its original authors, citation details and publisher are identified correctly. 

Peer Review Policy

Quant Research Publishing is committed to upholding the integrity of the academic record. When a submission is made, the editorial team assesses the manuscript to establish its alignment  to submission guidelines the scope of the journal. If manuscript is found suitable, it is forwarded to minimum number two independent reviewers who are experts in the field and have published at least two peer reviewed journals in same area of knowledge. The selected reviewers are required to submit a detailed objective evaluation and feedback and recommend on whether the manuscript should be accepted, revised, or rejected.

Comments from the reviewers are comments are taken into consideration by the editor in charge who makes the final decision on the manuscript. Quant Research Publishing treats the whole review process confidentially and seriousness it deserves. Such that the reviewers nor the authors can disclose their true identities or share any part of the review process publicly with no mutual consent.


Editorial Process

  • Author submission: Author submits manuscript. Author receives immediate notification after submission. The initial notification is autogenerated.
  • Preliminary review: Journal auditors conducts preliminary review where article fit for the journal scope, adherence to submission guidelines, similarity check. The process takes three working days on average. At this stage:
  1. Manuscript may pass review and be allocated reviewer direct,
  2. Editors may require minor edits and submission of additional materials from author before being allocated to reviewer.
  3. Manuscript rejected before peer review. Author may consider to submit work to a different journal or consider revising and resubmitting it based on response from editor.
  • Invitation to reviewers: The journal editor invites reviewers to review the manuscript. Typically, each research article is subjected to assessment by a minimum of two independent reviewers. Reviewers are given one week to accept or reject to review the manuscript. Potential reviewers evaluate the invitation based on their area of expertise, potential conflicts of interest, and availability. They then make an informed decision to accept or decline the review request. In cases of refusal, these potential reviewers might also propose alternative experts who could provide an unbiased evaluation of the manuscript.
  • Conducting review: Upon receiving the manuscript, reviewers initiate a comprehensive evaluation, carefully analysing its methodology, originality, clarity, and adherence to ethical guidelines. The duration of the review process varies for each manuscript, typically ranging from 2 to 4 weeks. This timeline depends on the quality of the submission and the availability of reviewers. Authors can conveniently track the status of their manuscript by logging into the submission system. Upon completion of the review process, reviewers typically provide the editor with one of the following three recommendations.
  1. Accept without any changes
  2. Accept with minor revisions (Usually formatting and Grammar)
  3. Consider after major revisions (Usually content and presentation)
  4. Reject
  • Editor Assesses Review Reports: The editor considers the reviewers' comments and conducts an overall assessment of the manuscript. If the reviews differ significantly, additional reviewers may be engaged to ensure a comprehensive evaluation.
  • Author Revisions:
  1. Once the editor has received and thoroughly considered the reviewer reports, alongside their own assessment of the work, author will be promptly notified of the editorial decision. This decision is communicated to author via email, which serves to provide transparency and clarity in the process.
  2. The email will also include the comprehensive feedback and comments provided by the reviewers. Depending on the specific peer review model employed by the journal, the identities of the reviewers may or may not be disclosed. This approach is designed to ensure a transparent and constructive exchange of insights, enabling author to gain valuable perspectives on the work.
  3. For manuscripts that receive an outcome of "Accept with minor revisions" or "Consider after major revisions", authors embark on a process of revising and responding to all comments from both the editor and reviewers. This revision cycle may repeat until the editor can make an informed decision on the acceptance of the manuscript. If concerns remain unresolved, even after several rounds of revision, the possibility of rejection still exists.
  • Editorial Final Decision: After receiving the revised manuscript, the editor evaluates the authors' responses and the revised version. Based on the reviewers' recommendations and their own assessment, the editor makes a final decision on acceptance. If the manuscript is finally accepted, the primary author is asked to make payment for the manuscript before production can begins. If manuscript is rejected, the author has the right to appeal through the chief editor. The editorial board will consider the complain and communicate back to author in due course.
  • Production: Once accepted and payment is received, the manuscript proceeds to the production phase, where it undergoes formatting, proofreading, and final preparations before publication. The process takes about 1 week.
  • Sharing and Promotion: Published articles are disseminated to a broad audience via display on the publisher website and authors are encouraged to actively share their research within the scientific community.

The whole review process takes a about 30 days on average on normal editorial process. However, authors who needs their work to get published faster may need to pay an an additional fees for fast tracking the process. See section on Article Processing Charges (APCs) below. 

Ethical Guidelines for Authors

Quant Research Publishing is committed to maintaining the highest levels of academic integrity and standards possible. The authors submitting their manuscripts to Quant Research Publishing journals are required to follow our ethical guidelines strictly throughout the entire process of manuscript preparation and submission. 

  • Objective Presentation: Authors ought to truthfully present their study findings and discuss their significance objectively without any manipulation of findings. 
  • Authorship: All individuals who meet the authorship criteria should be included as authors. Their exact contributions should be accurately acknowledged. Only persons who make material constributions to the manuscript ought to be  listed as authors.
  • Conflict of Interest: Potential conflicts of interest ought to be brought to the editorial board at the submission stage. These can comprise, but not limited to, personal, financial, or other any other relations that could influence the findings and or interpretation the same.
  • Integrity of Data: Authors must share a detailed and replicable research  methodologies. The raw data should also be made publicly available unless there is a compelling reason for its protection. Such reasons such as security or confidentiality should be stated. 
  • Double or multiple  Submission: Authors must never submit manuscript to any Quant Research Publishing Journals, if the same manuscript has already been submitted to other publishers. 
  • Research originality: Study findings should be novel and not previously published. Any form of plagiarism or duplicate publication will not be accepted whatsoever.
  • Permissions: The submitting authors ought to obtain relevant permissions for the use of any previously published content such as text, images, figures, tables, etc. They should also attribute the content to the previous authors. 
  • Error, Omissions and Correction: Any form of inaccuracies or errors discovered after a manuscript is submitted or published ought to be promptly communicated to Quant Research Publishing for correction or retraction as necessary.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): Any utilization of AI tools in during the research process has to be clearly declared. Inappropriate and or undisclosed use of AI such as manipulation of results shall be treated as an ethical breach. 

The Non-compliance with any of the above guidelines may lead to manuscript rejection or retraction and other consequences as per Quant Research Publishing's editorial policies.


What is ORCID?

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is an open, non-proprietary, transparent, and mobile registry of unique identifiers for researchers and scholars. It provides a distinct and permanent digital identifier that separates you from every other researcher, even those with the same name. Quant Research Publishing encourages all authors to use ORCID to facilitate the proper attribution and recognition of their work. The ORCID iD is needed while submitting an manuscript to be published.

Why you need ORCID

ORCID facilitates automatic connections between you, your research outputs, and professional activities, ensuring your work is properly recognized. Currently, more than 4.5 million active ORCID iDs are connected to over 30 million different research outputs (publications, datasets, patents, etc.), involving thousands of institutes worldwide Regardless of your field of study or workplace, it's vital for your reputation and career that research and scholarly organizations, funders, publishers, academic societies, and your peers can quickly and unequivocally identify and attribute your work, and only your work, to you. ORCID simplifies the process of reliably linking your unique identity with your contributions such as datasets, journal articles, books, media stories, and patents, even when your name is expressed differently among these records.

Registering for an ORCID iD?

Any author or researcher can obtain their unique ORCID identifier by visiting and following the simple registration process. Once registered, the ORCID 16 character ID in the format